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Dr TK Dunn on the Importance of the Old Testament
This is an extract from a longer interview, which I will also embed. I think Dr. Dunn has some valuable comments on the relationship of scripture and what it means for our study. And here’s the full interview from which that was extracted.
Fences: Mending or Rending
The following is a sermon I presented at the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Pensacola on September 11,2005 and originally posted here on September 13, 2005. I’m reposting it because when I went to look for it, I found that the original post had somehow been truncated, and also because there is a one word at a…
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Psalm 119:125 – Teach Me
How can we join with the voice of this wonderful poet in praise and worship of God?
Psalm 119:124 – Grace
When is providing rules a gracious gift?
Psalm 119:123 – Patience
Do we practice patience or impatience? Perhaps if we’re doing the latter, it helps explain why we get so many opportunities.
Psalm 119:122 – Are You Beastly?
In which I present a list of “beastly” behaviors and ask whose image we are making: Of the Lamb or of theh Beast?
Psalm 119:121 – Don’t Let Them Get Me!
When you look around for your oppressors, you may be surprised at what you find.
Psalm 119:120
Fear can be destructive but in the right way and the right place it can be helpful.
Psalm 119:119 – Scorn
Which way do you point scripture when you “fire” it? Do you see your own issues? And do you remember how you have been led up to now?
Psalm 119:118 – Deceit
Rather than meditating on meaning today I reflect a bit on the difficulties of translating poetry.
Psalm 119:117 – Sustain
The psalmist presents a lawgiver God, but also a creator who redeems and sustains.
Psalm 119:116 – Supported
Our hope is founded in God, who sustains and supports us.
Psalm 119:115 – Leave!
Allowing ourselves to be influenced by the tactics of evildoers can be destructive.
Recommending a New Blog: Dr. Dolly’s Musings …
I highly recommend a new blog, Dr. Dolly’s Musings.
Psalm 119:114 – Hope
In the chaos of life, we can look to the one whose words conquered darkness and chaos as our shield.
Psalm 119:113 – Hate and Love
Sometimes we need to recognize that while we have limitations, faults, and failings, there are moral lines.
Psalm 119:112 – I Choose
The Psalms are authentic in strength and weakness. We need to seek the highest goals while recognizing our limitations and our dependence on God.
Psalm 119:111 – Inherited Testimony
I’m thankful for the heritage of scripture preserved by Israel and the Jewish people, and the treasure it is for all.
Psalm 119:110 – Trap
Can you be trapped by fatigue? By the challenge of fear? These can be daily attacks..
Psalm 119:109 – Risky
At the time of tough and urgent decisions you need to hahve a habit of attending to God’s instructions.
Psalm 119:108 – A Freewill Offering
What constitutes a freewill offering of our mouth to God?
Psalm 119:107
When I am weak, Lord, strengthen me according to your word!
Psalm 119:106 – Determination
The value of setting high goals, but remembering grace when we inevitably don’t attain them.
Psalm 119:105 – Light
Light both physical and symbolizing God’s guidance.
Psalm 119:104 – Truth Matters
Truth is critical. Truth is our responsibility. Truth requires us to take control of what we take in. Truth requires us to take control of what we speak. Sometimes truth requires us to be silent in the absence of knowledge.
Psalm 119:103 – Tasty & Sweet!
There are so many ways to encounter God’s Word, perhaps not involving words at all.