New Monday Night Bible Study
My wife Jody and I will be leading a Monday night Bible study via Google Hangouts. Everyone is invited. Jody already posted about it, and her post includes the initial question and the scriptures for tonight.
We thought about many approaches to choosing our texts, and we finally settled on using the current readings from the Revised Common Lectionary. These will be the readings for the Sunday following the study. Jody will list these in her post along with an opening question (or so).
We’re not planning to formally “teach” this. This is a time for people who come from various perspectives and places to study together. Doubtless I will have and express many opinions. For best results, you should read the texts ahead of time and do some of the exegetical work.
I’ll open the hangout a bit before the formal time for the study (7 pm central time), post the invitation to my Google+ page, and e-mail a link to anyone who has requested it. If you follow me on Google+ you won’t need a special e-mail. You can use the Google+ notifications that you normally use.
If you’d like a link e-mailed, just e-mail me at and request it. I’ll be glad to send you a link.