More Editing Work – a Link
My wife Jody also edits. She’s posted something from an upcoming release: From My Editing Desk: The Unbroken Road by Katy Isaacs.
My wife Jody also edits. She’s posted something from an upcoming release: From My Editing Desk: The Unbroken Road by Katy Isaacs.
I have set up a special price of $9.00 per copy for my personal confession of faith, Not Ashamed of the Gospel for Easter. The price will continue in effect until April 21, 2007. You need to use the link above to go to our catalog site (Energion Publications Announcement). Anyone interested can feel free…
I have delayed the final post in my notes on Ben Witherington’s book What Have They Done with Jesus? for quite some time. In the meantime I have read Backham’s book Jesus and the Eyewitnesses [my review]. Bauckham provides a much more coherent account of the principles that it appears Witherington is using, partially because…
I wonder if there’s something ironic, or perhaps just odd, about working on the interior layout of a book on Spiritual Decluttering while this is behind me? Actually, there’s less clutter than there used to be. I’m turning storage space into usable office space, and I’m about half done.
My company is sponsoring a Christianity related blogging/essay contest, with prizes to include gift cards from Barnes & Noble. Detail are on the Energion Publications blog.
Shauna Hyde is one of the authors at Energion Publications, so I admit to bias, but I really did like this write-up in the Charleston (WV) Gazette-Mail. Her book, Victim No More! is mentioned in the article. I’m often critical of newspaper articles, not so much for being negative, but for being shallow. I think…
Bart Ehrman’s books tend to get quite a bit of hype around them, but when one actually reads them, one finds the work of a fine, generally balanced scholar. This is true of The Lost Gospel of Judas Iscariot, as it was of Misquoting Jesus, which I reviewed early in a series of posts. Ben…