Despite this I think I’ll still use it. Sort of like “Peace!” or “Joy!”
Todd C. Wood, a baraminologist (he studies “kinds” as in Genesis 1), has written an excellent post about how we Christians often make idols of our particular arguments (HT: The Austringer). Now as far as I can see, Dr. Wood and I would find ourselves on the opposite side of most debates about origins, but…
This past Sunday I completed teaching a four week series on Revelation for one of the Sunday School classes at Chumuckla Community Church. It’s always interesting to try to teach a short series on the book of Revelation. There is so much there, and so much background information is needed. It’s difficult to be effective….
John Meunier and his daughter are blogging through the book Almost Christian. It looks like it will be worth reading.
When I see a headline like The Search for the Heterosexual SUV, I go to the actual source hoping against hope that it will turn out to be in the Onion. Of course, since I know that the American Family Association has called for a boycott of Ford, I know I don’t have much hope….
Check it out here. Reduce your God to a manageable size! HT: 42.
[Rambling, personal post alert.] Periodically I talk a bit about growing up as a Seventh-day Adventist and my education in church related schools. I do this for two reasons. The first is to explain why I am no longer a member of the church I grew up in, and the second is to explain to…