Clergy in Philippians 1:1
It’s been awhile since I made a comment regarding the Orthodox Study Bible. In preparing for my study of Philippians with my Sunday School class, I read the OSB notes on the book. Regarding the phrase episkopois kai diakonois in verse 1, it has the following note:
This is the only epistle in which St. Paul includes the clergy, the bishops and deacons, in his address. St. John Chrysostom says this is because it was the clergy in Philippi who collected the funds Paul so badly needed and sent them to him by Epaphroditus. Bishops are the leading presbyters. By the time this letter was written, around AD 63, not only were bishops present in Philippi, but James was presiding over the church in Jerusalem (Acts 15:13) and tradition reveals that Peter was bishop in Antioch–and later in Rome. … (emphasis in original)
I question whether this isn’t a bit anachronistic for the time period in question, whether one sees Philippians as written in the 55-56 range (with an assumed imprisonment in Ephesus) or in the 61 range.
I note with interest (and some approbation) the New Jerusalem Bible’s rendering: “presiding elders and deacons,” though I think “deacons” sounds more churchy than necessary. The NRSV textual note, “overseers and helpers” has much to commend it as well.
I think it is more instructive to see that this is the only place that the elders and deacons have a letter addresses to them which begs the question of why they have such an outsized role in the church.
Good point. I hadn’t thought of looking at it from the other direction entirely!