
Linguistics and Exegesis – a Link

A Living Sacrifice provides a link to some material on linguistics and exegesis, particularly word studies.  The articles are by Benjamin Baxter and are in the McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry.  One is The Meaning of Biblical Words, and the other is Hebrew and Greek Word-Study Fallacies. I highly commend both.

The key element in the Fallacies article is that the author provides substantial examples in Hebrew, Greek, and English for each fallacy.  I was already acquainted with these types of fallacies, yet I am certain I will find myself using the examples in this article frequently.  It’s the sort of thing you keep on file for ready reference.

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One Comment

  1. Sorry about publishing this here. I have been sitting on an interview I arranged between Professor Charlie Hedrick and Agamemnon Tselikas a respected Greek paleographer on the question of the authenticity of the Mar Saba document. It is now published at my blog http://stephanhuller.blogspot.com/

    Hope you and your readers might want to check it out. Dr. Tselikas will be publishing an article on the same subject for BAR next year referencing the same material.


    Stephan Huller

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