Tyndale Bible Toolbar
I have started using this, and yes, it does work with Firefox under Ubuntu. See my introductory notes here.
I have started using this, and yes, it does work with Firefox under Ubuntu. See my introductory notes here.
One key question for computer savvy, or at least computer-involved Bible students is the type of Bible study software to purchase. Many can get along well with e-Sword, which I’ve reviewed before. (Be sure to read into the comments for some corrections.) Now there’s a new, free resource from Bible.org, the producers of the NET…
… is Jay Silvas, who is also the sole qualified entry. Despite having only this one entry, I’m happy with my plan for selecting a winner, because I think the comment itself was rather good, given the passage I selected. So congratulations to Jay. Send me your address (or I’ll request it soon), and I’ll…
Via John Simons – Theology, Technology, and Stuff, I discovered the new location for Resurgence Greek (ReGreek.com). It’s now being maintained and further developed by Mars Hill Church. Resurgence Greek is not a general Bible study tool, but rather a specific tool for folks who know some Greek and want to be able to read…
. . . and it’s even more interesting than I anticipated. This is obviously not the intended review, but I do find the idea of a Bible with a strong flavor of the Orthodox doctrine quite interesting, and the Bible looks fascinating. The New Testament is NKJV, but the Old Testament uses the St. Athanasius…
One of the major problems with seminary study of Biblical languages is that it is often short term and shallow. The seminarian, required to take a certain number of hours or just get by a particular test focuses all his efforts to getting past the hurdle. Precious few such students ever gain a real facility…
When I wrote yesterday about the HCSB introduction and its use of the label “optimal equivalence” I fully intended to write another post complaining about that introduction. And I will mention the other issue briefly in this post. But something else was drawn to my attention in the meantime. Let me lay a foundation. Some…