Special Prices on Resources for Students at Bibles.com
I’m not a student (at least in the traditional sense), but looks good. Check it out. (HT: New Testament Resources)
I’m not a student (at least in the traditional sense), but looks good. Check it out. (HT: New Testament Resources)
These notes supplement my podcast titled Last and First. The included translation is a working translation. Check out passages in your favorite Bible version. 23Then Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How difficult it is for those who have possessions to enter into the kingdom of God.” I’m sure that the disciples were…
I haven’t gotten anything written during the last week on this blog. This is not due to a hiatus in Bible study. There’s plenty to write, and I’ve been writing elsewhere, but I just haven’t gotten here with something specifically exegetical. In the meantime, I wrote a devotional from my wife’s list, titled Handling Scandal….
One key question for computer savvy, or at least computer-involved Bible students is the type of Bible study software to purchase. Many can get along well with e-Sword, which I’ve reviewed before. (Be sure to read into the comments for some corrections.) Now there’s a new, free resource from Bible.org, the producers of the NET…
… even to this Air Force vet’s ears.
David Ker has taken on the world at ThinkChristian.net, or so it probably seems to him. The comments provide some additional links and some vigorous comment.
I’ve been reading some more on the new perspectives on Paul, and particularly focusing on a <a href="http://www.thepaulpage.com/Summary.html"summary written by Mark W. Mattison and provided by The Paul Page, and a response to that summary by Chan Lai Ping. I’m going to use the list of key points in the response as a starting point….