Christianity an Incurably Irrevent Religion?
C. S. Lewis thought so! (HT: Peter Kirk on Facebook, blog).
C. S. Lewis thought so! (HT: Peter Kirk on Facebook, blog).
I discovered UnSpun (and wrote a bit about it here) and of course immediately located a list of the best English Bible translations. Here it is: Update: I am going along with Peter Kirk as posted on the Better Bibles Blog and replacing this poll with the one he suggested. I think it would…
I exchanged a few e-mails today with Dave Black about Greek verbal aspect. He has quoted me on his blog, and I’ve extracted the material for the site, so there’s a permanent link. What I said wouldn’t make a full discussion, so it’s best to read it there in the full context. My own…
If you’re looking for a history of the KJV, you are likely to be disappointed by this book. There is a history, and considering the very sparse information on the topic, it’s a pretty good one, but it is concealed in the incredibly wordy prose of this ponderous document. Considering my own propensity for long…
There has been a good deal of talk in the biblioblogosphere about translation theory, and in connection with that support for the REB. In particular, I would note John Hobbins post Why the REB is a Great Translation, and to his earlier posts (not directly on the REB but very relevant to this post), You…
I’m glad to see this, though I do disagree with a few points. First, I don’t agree that using a formal equivalence translation means you are closer to the original. You are closer in some ways–reflecting the words and structure of the original language–yet you are often further in other ways, including reflecting the thought….
One of the great problems I find in teaching biblical languages, or in explaining Bible translation to lay audiences, is that people don’t understand meaning very well. They assume that words have fixed, narrow ranges of meaning, and that if you search carefully, you can find a word or phrase to precisely represent that word…