On Haiti Ministry
I posted a note on my company blog about a personal connection.
I posted a note on my company blog about a personal connection.
. . . or not. Bruce Alderman has a good post about Tipler’s efforts in this regard. (Peter Kirk has also discussed this, and both articles are well worth reading. Physicists seem to look at the world a bit differently than I do, and I often don’t understand what they’re up to, but for me…
The Christian Post has an article on a series of teleconferences that are available via evolutionarychristianity.com. The post uses scare quotes to set off the word “evolutionary” and in some ways I find the title troubling, just as I do the term theistic evolution. While I believe acceptance of the theory of evolution will have…
I have not been very excited about the vatican over the last few years, and I was not overjoyed when the current pope was elected, but in general since I’m not a catholic, it’s not something I get very excited about. But the current round of protests about the Pope’s quotation of a medieval text…
Ed Brayton has written an excellent post on this topic over at Dispatches from the Culture Wars, titled Drawing Religious Battle Lines. I’ve already said my piece on this one, so I’m just going to send you over there to read this excellent essay. My high opinion of it has nothing to do with the…
"Church" has become an organization that devours time and resources rather than a way of living that structures and empowers everything. — Henry Neufeld (@hneufeld) July 25, 2016
Allan Bevere posts on worship, calling for it to be well-crafted, authentic, and substantive. I quite agree. But … Two additional points: 1) One of the most authentic worship services I ever attended occurred when the praise band failed to show up and one individual put a transparency on the projector (yes, it was THAT…
. . . or not. Bruce Alderman has a good post about Tipler’s efforts in this regard. (Peter Kirk has also discussed this, and both articles are well worth reading. Physicists seem to look at the world a bit differently than I do, and I often don’t understand what they’re up to, but for me…
The Christian Post has an article on a series of teleconferences that are available via evolutionarychristianity.com. The post uses scare quotes to set off the word “evolutionary” and in some ways I find the title troubling, just as I do the term theistic evolution. While I believe acceptance of the theory of evolution will have…
I have not been very excited about the vatican over the last few years, and I was not overjoyed when the current pope was elected, but in general since I’m not a catholic, it’s not something I get very excited about. But the current round of protests about the Pope’s quotation of a medieval text…
Ed Brayton has written an excellent post on this topic over at Dispatches from the Culture Wars, titled Drawing Religious Battle Lines. I’ve already said my piece on this one, so I’m just going to send you over there to read this excellent essay. My high opinion of it has nothing to do with the…
"Church" has become an organization that devours time and resources rather than a way of living that structures and empowers everything. — Henry Neufeld (@hneufeld) July 25, 2016
Allan Bevere posts on worship, calling for it to be well-crafted, authentic, and substantive. I quite agree. But … Two additional points: 1) One of the most authentic worship services I ever attended occurred when the praise band failed to show up and one individual put a transparency on the projector (yes, it was THAT…
. . . or not. Bruce Alderman has a good post about Tipler’s efforts in this regard. (Peter Kirk has also discussed this, and both articles are well worth reading. Physicists seem to look at the world a bit differently than I do, and I often don’t understand what they’re up to, but for me…
The Christian Post has an article on a series of teleconferences that are available via evolutionarychristianity.com. The post uses scare quotes to set off the word “evolutionary” and in some ways I find the title troubling, just as I do the term theistic evolution. While I believe acceptance of the theory of evolution will have…