Another Good Post about the War on Christmas
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
Baker takes a series of short sections here, and I’m not grouping them into any larger passage, because I’m under some pressure and these short sections are working for me right now. Let me note also that while the electronic edition of Rahlf’s LXX that I’m using today (GnomeSword) follows the English verse divisions, the…
Details at for the Sake of Truth.
Sojourners has an article titled SEVEN LIES ABOUT CHRISTIANITY — WHICH CHRISTIANS BELIEVE. There’s a great deal here that I resonate with, especially in the seventh point: The problem with romanticizing Christianity is that we turn our faith into a product, using various selling points to make it look more attractive. But what I’m…
There was quite a stir recently over a rant by Rick Santelli of CNBC on the mortgage plan produced by the Obama administration. One of the claims made was that this plan was “rewarding incompetence.” Now without regard to context, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Where I do have a problem is with…
I’m back to thinking about inspiration today. Many people think about the terms “inspired” and “canonical” as nearly synonymous. Generally they are not. The term “canon” relates to idea of canon law, in other words a book is canonical when canon laws defines it as authoritative. Now the edges have become blurred over the years,…
I’m going to try for a brief statement, something that seems to be an unnatural act for me! I am sometimes asked why I spend so much of my time on the [tag]creation[/tag]/[tag]evolution[/tag] controversy. The reason is simply that there is a full scale assault going on against free inquiry, something that is essential to…