NLT Review
Via a comment I received a link to this review of the NLT2 which is quite useful, especially because it includes specific examples supporting the major points.
Via a comment I received a link to this review of the NLT2 which is quite useful, especially because it includes specific examples supporting the major points.
… is Jay Silvas, who is also the sole qualified entry. Despite having only this one entry, I’m happy with my plan for selecting a winner, because I think the comment itself was rather good, given the passage I selected. So congratulations to Jay. Send me your address (or I’ll request it soon), and I’ll…
Peter Kirk has weighed in on the subject of my previous post in his post Mars Hill Church: on a different Planet? He says: I have looked at the original text (well, a scholarly edition of the Greek text) of Romans 3:24 and cannot find the word “justification” there. There are no English words, only…
Wayne Leman reminds us that comments for the NIV2011 revision are only open until the end of December. I never can make a final decision on these things, which would make me a lousy translation committee member, but if you have suggestions now is the time!
So why do I want to talk about an insignificant variant? The answer is simple. In many cases the reliability of Biblical texts is stated simply in terms of the number of variants that exist in the manuscripts. This number is quite high, but most of these variants are not significant. They may involve identical…
J. K. Gayle links to me in a post regarding the notion of “canon.” There’s a good discussion going in the comments as well. Let me note in passing that the label “personal canon” grates on me a bit. Let me be clear that I’m not saying it’s bad; I’m referring to my reaction to…
Because obviously the most important thing about being a man is the way you use the bathroom. Potty training issues, maybe? (This is the second time there’s been a video of this guy preaching this. I blogged about it earlier here. Hat tip for this round: Abnormal Interests).
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Harry —
This is unrelated to the NLT (mostly). I like to let people know when I link off to them. I did so in this article.