Isaiah 49:2 – Mouths and Sharp Swords
One basis I use for comparing Bible translations is the way in which idioms are handled. It’s difficult to measure this precisely, because you have to consider several things:
- Is the idiom as used comprehensible to modern readers?
- Does it mean the same thing to modern as to ancient readers?
- Is there a reasonable English (or other target language) equivalent?
- How good is the equivalent that was selected by the translation?
Simply noting that an idiom in one language is translated by an idiom in another is not sufficient. Figures of speech work in essentially the same way and require that one ask the same questions.
In Isaiah 49:2 we have a fairly simple figure of speech. In Hebrew, this very literally reads:
He set my mouth like a sharp sword.
Now I don’t know how natural that sounds in English to others, and I’m already running another poll, but to me “sharp” and “words” do go together in a figure of speech, and using mouth for the words spoken is also pretty standard. For example, I don’t think anyone has trouble understanding “potty mouth.” I have only rarely heard that combination with “sharp,” however. There I think we more commonly use “tongue” with “sharp” than “mouth.”
So I classify the translations of the figure of speech in three categories. First would be those that translate the figure of speech or idiom completely literally. (I’d ignore the idiom if the figure of speech is common also in the target language.) The second group adjusts it somewhat to make it more comprehensible. The third translates the figure into natural, but not necessarily idiomatic language. The fourth group (of which I have no examples in this case) would provide an alternate idiom. The following list is not exhaustive:
Translating the words and not the figure
“He made my mouth like a sharpened blade;” (NJPS)
“He made my mouth like a sharp sword,” (NRSV)
Adjusted slightly
In this case, the adjustment is generally “mouth” replaced with “tongue.”
“He made my tongue a sharp sword” (REB)
Translated into clear language (drop figure of speech)
“He made my words as sharp as a sword.” (TEV) [Note here that one figure (mouth for words) is replaced, while the second (sharp) is retained.]
“He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword.” (NLT)
“He made my words pierce like a sharp sword” (CEV) [In a sense another figure of speech is added, or perhaps “sharp” is merely enhanced, by the addition of the word “pierce.”]
“He made my words like a sharp sword;” (HCSB) [The HCSB regularly surprises me, sometimes with incredibly obscure translations, and sometimes with exceptionally clear ones.]
This comparison also raises a question with the NLT text. Should the words “of judgment” be added here? Is it perfectly clear that it is words of judgment alone that pierce like a sharp sword? On first reading, I am not happy with the NLT addition there. It makes plain something that is not plain in the text, and may even be incorrect. My mind could be changed, however.