And Why Shouldn’t They?
A Canadian training manual for diplomats includes the United States on a list of countries where prisoners are at risk of being tortured.
A Canadian training manual for diplomats includes the United States on a list of countries where prisoners are at risk of being tortured.
In pursuing the laudable goal of keeping lead out of children’s it looks like congress may have been just as thoughtful as usual. More on evangelical outpost.
OK, I just can’t resist taking a poke at the KJV-Only movement every so often. This time I did it on video. Stand by for more!
I wrote a brief post on the suspension of Dr. Peter Enns, tenured professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary on my Participatory Bible Study blog. I put the article there because it relates to Biblical inspiration and interpretation, but I wanted to link from here because it deals with academic freedom.
The following have joined the Moderate Christian Blogroll: Living with “God Vision”, if i were a bell, i’d ring, Seeking After, and Adventures in Revland. Learn more about the blogroll here.
. . . from Lingamish. Speaking of creationists who aren’t stupid. 🙂
. . . or so it appears to me, to design a more efficient plant–for their purposes. Check out this MSNBC article to see how it was done.