Thinking about Hell
. . . in fictional form on my Jevlir blog.
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
I found a series on women in ministry via my Blogrush widget (look right and down a bit). It’s quite good, in four parts, part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4. Check it out.
Are dogs smarter than cats?
I often read a few lines of these scam e-mails just because they are so poorly written. Today I got a new one purporting to be from one “Sgt. David Brown” a “U. S. Marine Capt.” in Iraq. The stupid scammers should spend more time on research.
John Bicknell of Congressional Quarterly says Drop the Debates, Try Conflict Instead. Good idea. All of it.
A few weeks ago someone asked me to post my college paper on the genealogies of Genesis 5 & 11. This was the paper that started me on the road away from young earth creationism. It is actually not very earthshattering, but it did start my thinking.