Christian Carnival #203 Posted
. . . at Bounded Irrationality. Check it out.
. . . at Bounded Irrationality. Check it out.
I’m a strong advocate of the public reading of Scripture, so I’ve been following with interest the discussion that Tim Challies set off when he wrote about this ministry at his home church. In his initial post he discussed how those who are to read scripture are trained and makes some suggestions for making one’s…
Bishop Willimon has a post about pastoral leadership and stewardship, with the particular aspect of stewardship being apportionments. I like the framing that goes on in our church, as apportionments are called “fair-share giving.” I know that sounds better, but I still call them apportionments. I think the general finding is unexceptional. Pastoral leadership has…
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? “You can’t legislate morality,” says one person. “Oh yes you can! We do it all the time. Murder is immoral and we legislate against it.” Interesting, no? For me, this gets combined with separation of church and state. I’m an advocate of separation. People will frequently ask…
“Grace gives us choices,” says Pastor Tom Sims in a blog entry entitled Paradoxical People. Good point. Tom is talking particularly about our ability to be ourselves. I like to call the alternative “putting on your faith face.” I see it primarily in churches. You can’t possibly go to church, after all, without making sure…
One of my objections to inerrancy is that it is impossible to demonstrate. Lacking a perfect standard external to the Bible and also lacking perfect understanding, we are unable to actually demonstrate that the Bible is, in fact, without error. Some apologists seem to believe that if we just apply the right set of standards…
I follow Dr. Steve Matheson’s blog Quintessence of Dust very closely, because as I have read what he posts I have found that he has a high level of integrity, and also provides an extremely high density of information in carefully chosen words. Recently he has been posting on the topic of just how one…