Civility in Political and Religious Debate

Joe Carter at the evangelical outpost is going after Ann Coulter. He’s very concerned about civility: Our political culture has truly become debased when even conservatives now accept what James Q. Wilson has described as the elevation of self-expression over self-control. (Perhaps it is to be expected, though, of a movement that has replaced the…

The Definition of Reasonable

I have great sympathy with the Libby jury, which now wants to know just how to define “reasonable” according to this Washington Post story. I have always wondered just what “reasonable doubt” means, and it appears that lawyers really have very little idea either. Perhaps my own problem is that I find doubt so eminently…

Could I Be the Antichrist?

I found this article via WorldNetDaily: Pope is warned of a green Antichrist. According to Cardinal Biffi, who gave the Lenten message this year, the antichrist could be “a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist”. OK, I resemble that remark. Of course, I’m not nearly important enough to be the actual antichrist. Probably I could just encourage…

A Dangerous Precedent?

I commented earlier on Rep. Jefferson and his planned appointment to the Homeland Security committee. Republicans are now planning to force a recorded vote on the appointment, according to a Washington Post report, on the assumption that some Democrats will be unwilling to go public with their support of this nomination. What’s more interesting to…

Why Authority Issues are Important

Via Pandagon I found this story, also reported here. These are serious accusations, and more and more people are coming forward. Such a story should emphasize several things to those of us who are in ministry, including how transparent our ministry practices should be. Teach and behave in such a way that an accusation such…

Rosenhouse Dissects Johnson

Jason Rosenhouse has an excellent discussion or even better dissection of some recent writing by Philip Johnson. I’ve had this partial entry on Johnson sitting amongst my drafts for ages, but since Johnson is now bringing forth many of the same arguments, and Rosenhouse has quite thoroughly demolished them, I will simply refer you to…

Abortion and Moral Good-An Illustration of Extremes

A post on the evangelical outpost alerted me to a minor tempest about abortion rights. It seems that Amanda Marcotte believes that abortion is a moral good, something to be celebrated. Having recently encountered the notion that one trully cannot take the position I do, that abortion in the bulk of cases is to be…

Why I Dislike Both Major Parties

One of the few things the Democrats and Republicans can agree on is measures to keep themselves in power. This includes limiting access to the ballot and making sure that the election system continues to favor the two major parties. Thus, it’s good news that the supreme court has agreed to review the appeals court…

The Balance of Outrage

Frequently I see the challenge to outrage on blogs or even occasionally in print media. It goes something like this: Group A has been very outraged by X, the horror of which is minimized by the writer. The writer describes something that outrages him or her, surely much more horrible than X, and wonders if…

Gifts Ministry and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

OK, that should be a sufficiently provocative title! 🙂 Peter Kirk commented on an earlier post and gave me some advice–advice which I would normally consider quite good sense. Here it is: But maybe you are going a bit too far, at least to keep yourself out of trouble, in suggesting that those who do…


. . . is posted. I want to thank Allan Bevere for his hard work is regularly posting the roundup. I’ll be praying for him as he goes to speak outside the country. The MBWR will be missing for the next two weeks.