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Penal Substitution is ONE of the Ways to Talk about the Atonement

I think The Truth Is … Out There on the Wesley Bros. Blog did a good job of expressing this.

To my liberal brothers and sisters: Yes, I do believe in penal substitution.

To my conservative brothers and sisters: No, I don’t believe in it as the one and only way to believe in or discuss the atonement.

One of the ways. Your mileage may differ. In fact, I hope it does.

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  1. I can’t believe in PSA myself, because it entails me needing to believe things about God which I am certain are wrong, and which (for me) would make God into a monster. However, there are some people I know (mostly in recovery communities) for whom the only atonement theory which can gain traction in their thinking is PSA. That’s the one thing which stops me condemning PSA outright.

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