February 15 Christian Carnival Posted
… at Bible Archive.
… at Bible Archive.
… but his solution is very different from mine. I think the idea that the current concept of a university will survive is a pipe dream. The cost is going to force education to change. Face to face education will be needed, but the form is going to change. (HT: John Meunier.)
The surest sign that somebody doesn’t read the Bible that much is that they claim to do everything it says. Now there are lots of ways to nuance that statement, but I’ve found that in general those who make the claim are unaware of many commands of the Bible, and don’t have an explanation for…
Always presuming, of course, that I’m not myself. I can’t resist these quizzes. This one is Peter Kirk’s fault. Which theologian are you?created with QuizFarm.com You scored as Paul Tillich Paul Tillich sought to express Christian truth in an existentialist way. Our primary problem is alienation from the ground of our being, so that our…
Read about it here. My ancestors were Mennonite, so perhaps I should be offended. Not so much! His own title for the post ends with “… and they liked it.” He was asking them to go storm the gates of hell, i.e. areas of the world that are under the dominion of Satan. He suggests…
A great quote: We Americans aren’t very good at absolute authority, but we presently have the opposite of it in the UMC – we have an episcopacy shackled to lead, but convenient to blame. It’s a great system to play armchair quarterback in, but it doesn’t make disciples. Go read the rest. It’s thought provoking.
Christianity Today reports in an article titled Too Inclusive that Pastor Carlton Pearson’s Higher Dimensions Worship Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma has now begun meeting in a neighboring Episcopal church, since membership has dropped by 90% from an initial 5,000. I discovered this story by reading the Wesley Daily blog, which titled the story Pastor Says…