BLT = Bible * Literature * Translation
There’s a new translation blog, and I’ve added it to my RSS reader. Check out BLT.
Brian Russell of Real Meal Ministries has posted a summary on Bible translation that is quite good. It’s hard to keep things straight in a short, readable essay. (HT: Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup by Allan Bevere.) I would note that he uses the popular rather than any of the technical definitions of “paraphrase,” but I…
In response to a comment, I have added a page that will allow you to choose a base Bible version (whatever you prefer) and get a list of all other available versions based on how much they differ from that. The page is The default version is the NRSV if you don’t specify. There…
J. K. Gayle has a post on this topic that I think deserves discussion. Head over there and comment!
I was a bit put off at first by certain rhetoric on the new TNIV Truth blog, and I must confess that anonymity doesn’t rank high with me, even when I understand the motivations. Now the blogger there has “outed” himself and also posted a note on the TNIV on one of my pet peeves–discussions…
I’m continuing looking at the NLT Study Bible (NLTSB) in comparison with the New Interpreter’s Study Bible (NISB), which I have also acquired recently. Today I’m going to add a comparison to the New Oxford Annotated Bible (NOAB). Note that I am still working from the second edition. I think many Methodist ministers or ministerial…
One of the great problems I find in teaching biblical languages, or in explaining Bible translation to lay audiences, is that people don’t understand meaning very well. They assume that words have fixed, narrow ranges of meaning, and that if you search carefully, you can find a word or phrase to precisely represent that word…