Biblioblog Top 50 Posted
… at Free Old Testament Audio. Surprisingly, considering how little I blogged last month and how much my 30 day Alexa number rose (not good!) I remain #9.
… at Free Old Testament Audio. Surprisingly, considering how little I blogged last month and how much my 30 day Alexa number rose (not good!) I remain #9.
According to this story on, Archbishop Francisco Chimoio claims that two European nations are trying to kill off Africans by providing condoms that are already infected with the virus: I know of two countries in Europe who are making condoms with (the) virus on purpose, they want to finish with African people as part…
Jonathan Merritt writes a well-titled article: In the Middle East, not in America, Christians are Actually Persecuted (HT: Dave Black Online via The Jesus Paradigm). My tolerance for referring to the comfortable life Christians lead in this country was destroyed before I even knew such a thing was possible. At a very young age I…
Today Pat Badstibner of World Prayr published a post on the World Prayr Devotional blog picturesquely titled The Law Is Not Soggy Cornflakes. In it, Pat finds a number of purposes for the law, even, and perhaps especially, for those living under grace. If we look to the law as the means of making ourselves…
. . . has been posted at Everyday Liturgy. My submission for this carnival was one I wrote for wife’s devotional blog. Next week, I will be hosting the carnival here.
One of the many things that annoys me about sports broadcasters is their tendency to create a trend out of every slight turn of the game. My stepson is a professional pitcher, and if he throws a strike the announcer is sure to start talking about the strong performance and how if he just keeps…
Every so often there’s another outburst of complaints about how religion is being suppressed in this country, and how it no longer has its place in the public square. And there are the occasional really silly incidents that actually support such a claim. I note, for example, that our local public library here in Pensacola,…