
Christian Carnival #249 – Deep Breath Edition

The U. S. election is over and we have a new president-elect.  No matter how happy, indifferent, or distressed you are about the result or not, take a deep breath and remember just who is in charge of all this.  I am thus taking my theme from Daniel 4.

I’m taking the posts in order rather than trying to organize them in sections, so note that the texts that precede and follow each section are not intended in any way as comments on the posts.  Translations are my own, slightly paraphrased, except where indicated.

[Clip art from Barry’s Clipart.]

4 I, Nebuchadnezzar, was living calmly in my house and prospering in my palace. 5 I had a dream that frightened me; what I saw while in bed and the visions in my head terrified me. — Daniel 4:4-5.

FMF presents Accountability Partners in Financial Matters posted at Free Money Finance, saying, “You need someone to keep you honest in money matters.”

andriel presents Word of Faith Atonement: Jesus in Hell posted at ReturningKing.com, saying, “As noted in the last section, the WOF teaching concerning the nature of Jesus was not the traditional church’s position, namely that Christ was man and God, but rather that Christ relinquished his divinity when he came to earth as a man. While this is a poor beginning for an atonement doctrine, it gets much worse. In accomplishing the work of salvation, according to the WOF movement, Jesus also took on the very nature of Satan.”

Chris presents Trust God with your Career and your Finances | ProsperingServant.com posted at ProsperingServant.com.

Allen Scott presents Touched by the Master?s hand posted at A View from the Nest, saying, “Men like George have a great love for all things classic and spend untold hours and thousands of dollars to restore these relics of the past. Jesus, like George, specializes in restoration as well. Unlike a classic car, a broken life requires far more than a new paint job and a few new parts.”

Doug Forrester presents Christian horror movie posted at Bounded Irrationality.

Big and Beautiful

The tree grew big and strong.
Its top reached heaven.
It could be seen all over he world.

Its branches and leaves were beautiful,
its fruit plentiful,
and it provided food for everyone.– Daniel 4:11-12

Trevor Watkinson presents Blogging in a New Direction posted at SaveYourSweat.com Blog, saying, “Why I expanded the theme of my blog to include the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Diane R presents R.T. Kendalll and the Lakeland “Outpouring” posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet, saying, “There has been a lot of discussion of the Lakeland ‘outpouring’ with Todd Bentley. Now R. T. Kendall weighs in and his remarks are very welcome.”

Annette presents How does one Mature? posted at Fish and Cans.Lop Off the Branches!

Cut down the tree!  Lop off its branches! — Daniel 4:13

A Sower presents They Never Saw It Coming posted at A Sower’s Heart.

ChristianPF presents Biblical retirement posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, “A look at what the Bible says about the “American Dream” of retirement”

Chasing the Wind presents Responding to Loss posted at Chasing the Wind, saying, “When Saul died, David has reason to celebrate, but he mourned deeply. What is it about David’s heart that God loved? What can David teach us about mourning? A study of 1 Samuel 1,2.”

Brian Niece presents The ShadowPath of YHWH’s Open Story — Part 4 posted at Sacramental Living.  Get ready to concentrate a bit here, this is not light reading talking about some themes in the Psalms.

25 You will be driven from civilized society, and you will live with the wild animals. You will have to eat grass like oxen and you will be bathed with dew until seven times pass over you, that is, until you learn that the Most High is sovereign over human kingdoms, and gives them to any one he wills. — Daniel 4:25

Jeremy Pierce presents Voting and Calvinist Prayer posted at Parableman, saying, “Taking a page from Calvinist discussions of prayer, this post argues why it’s good to vote even if your vote will almost certainly have no effect on the outcome.”

Richard H. Anderson presents Communal Meals in the Book of Acts posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

Raffi Shahinian presents 5 Reasons I’m Not on Twitter, and 5 Reasons I Should Be posted at parables of a prodigal world.

34 When that period was over, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me.
I blessed the Most High,
and praised and honored the one who lives forever.
For his sovereignty is an everlasting sovereignty,
and his kingdom endures from generation to generation.
35 All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing,
and he does what he wills with the host of heaven
and the inhabitants of the earth.
There is no one who can stay his hand
or say to him, “What are you doing?” — Daniel 4:34-35 (NRSV)

Read the whole chapter for yourself.  It’s worth it!

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Christian Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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  1. And if you get the urge to be critical of our new leader, look at David’s example in 1 Samuel. Saul was the king and tried repeatedly to kill David, but David continually honored Saul as God’s appointed king of Israel.

    Thanks for hosting this week. 🙂

  2. Very nicely done! I am impressed with the time and effort you put into this edition of the blog carnival. I thank you for including my article along with the other great articles. I especially enjoyed the Daniel references you inserted into the copy. I could learn some things from the way you presented this edition. Very impressive!

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