I’m Henry Neufeld, and I have been blogging on Threads from Henry’s Web since September, 19952005. This new blog is specifically for me to follow my heart which is in critical and exegetical Bible study that leads to exposition and application. I’m the author of two study guides, To the Hebrews: A Participatory Study Guide, and Revelation: A Participatory Study Guide. I’m going to begin this blog by going through the book of Hebrews.
I will be teaching a several week class at a local church using my study guide, and I will blog here about the passages first. You can follow the entire discussion here, although for those who want to learn the Bible for themselves, I strongly recommend studying the passages I am writing about before you read what I write. You don’t have to buy and use my study guide, but obviously I wouldn’t mind if you do! I will be discussing the major questions and projects mentioned in that book. My Bible study method is available briefly on the web at I Want to Study the Bible!, and in more detail at The Participatory Bible Study Method.
Comments are open! Join me in this important study.
Note: Nobody caught me, but let me correct “1995” to “2005.” I’ve been blogging since 2005. I have, in fact, been online since before 1995, since I first got online with a 300 baud modem in 1983, I think. It could have been 1984. 🙂