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Grace and the Book of Hebrews
In my experience, Hebrews has provided a wealth of texts for sermons that call for works and human effort. Pride of place, perhaps, should be held by the Wesleyan doctrine of Christian perfection, for which one of the central texts is Hebrews 6:1. No matter how many times Wesley affirmed Christian perfection as a gift…
Theologically Incorrect Church Sign
I took this picture because I wanted it for the Megabelt book site. In the book Megabelt (a cross between Megachurch and Bible Belt) the lead character Gil has a real thing about trite church signs, which covers most of them. In looking for church signs to post on the book site, I’ve found any…
From My Editing Work: The Cross and Resurrection
From Galations: A Participatory Study Guide, p. 9: Paul’s words gave the Galatians hope for transformation and they are hopeful to us, too. Jesus Christ frees us from bondage. The external world may not immediately change, but the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ frees us from guilt, fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. God acts in…
Syria: To Intervene or Not
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Christian Carnival CXL
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1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 – Translations
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