Global Christian Perspectives
I’ll be joining Chris Eyre and Elgin Hushbeck on Today’s Global Christian Perspectives:
I’ll be joining Chris Eyre and Elgin Hushbeck on Today’s Global Christian Perspectives:
I know this is late, but tonight I’ll be hosting the re-do of this hangout with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. and Steve Kindle. You can get the details on the Google+ Event page, or view using the embedded viewer below.
Salvation: Who and How? You can get more details by following the link.
On the Energion Hangout tonight I’ll be hosting Dr. Bruce Epperly and Dr. Allan Bevere to discuss salvation in Christian theology and the terms I’ve listed. Doubtless many others will come up. The Energion Discussion Network resource page for this discussion is Soteriology. Click here for the Google+ Event Page.
Google+ Event Page YouTube: My post is very late, so I expect I won’t have a live audience tonight at all (they’re always very small), but still I need to provide the link for those who watch later. There will be some interesting connections tonight with my discussion with Steve Kindle (and his book I’m…
I will not be continuing my eschatology study tonight. I will be giving the final session of the eschatology series next Thursday night. At that time, I will take a break and will return June 23, 2016. I will announce what I’ll be studying as we move forward. The reason for this hiatus is that…
On Thursday night I’ll be interviewing Dr. Herold Weiss, author of Meditations on According to John and the forthcoming Meditations on the Letters of Paul, to be released this week. We’ll be talking about Paul’s eschatology and how critical it is to understanding Paul’s theology. Google+ Event Link YouTube Viewer: