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Next Monday Night Bible Study (Proper 12A)
Jody has already announced this, but our texts Monday night will be: Lectionary texts: 1 Kings 3:5-12 Psalm 119:129-136 Romans 8:26-39 Matthew 13:31-52 Opening question: What is THE treasure? Or: is the kingdom seeking you or are you seeking the kingdom? No, not the same question, but they may shed light on one another.
Leviticus 4:1-5:13
It is not entirely helpful to include these two sections under the same heading, but there is certainly a break between 5:13 and 5:14, so the division is understandable as Baker does it. We’re moving here to sacrifices that are required, first for inadvertent acts in chapter 4, and then for acts of omission that…
Silent Witness?
Laura at Pursuing Holiness is concerned with the idea of a “silent witness,” as accomplished by wearing cheesy buttons. No, she’s not talking about the need to shout, but rather the need to be clear and Biblical in the way in which one witnesses. Her particular target is the AFA’s program of Easter buttons which…
A Difference in Agendas – John 11:1-16
I noticed a theme in this passage that I think is important. If you look at the response of the disciples when Jesus proposes to go to Bethany (v. 7-8). They believe it’s too dangerous to go there. It appears to me that for the two days that Jesus delayed, the disciples assumed that he…
Adventists, Other Christians, and The Great Disappointment
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Acts 12: Reacting to Miracles (and Their Absence)
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