The Premier 2013 Biblical Studies Carnival Posted
… at Zwinglius Redivivus, complete with lofty claims. Go forth and check those claims thoroughly!
… at Zwinglius Redivivus, complete with lofty claims. Go forth and check those claims thoroughly!
I have been reminded several times recently in private conversations of just how inadequate the literal to figurative continuum is in discussing how we understand scripture. Bruce Alderman has written an interesting article on the number of things we take as figurative in Genesis 3, and then asks: Why is it that so many Christians…
Via Dave Black, I came across this review of the book Keep Your Greek: Strategies for Busy People. I’m going to try to get a copy of this book at some point, as I deal with many people who would like to keep some Greek but really haven’t. Dave comments: In the teaching world we…
… at — you guessed it — Abnormal Interests!
I’ve complained previously about the translation used in the Orthodox Study Bible, but I reserved discussion of the notes for later. Before I complain, however, I want to note that I have found quite a number of comments that I regard as helpful. My study has been enriched by using this Bible. At the same…
Many of us have discussed the problem, as we see it, of young people leaving the church when they become adults, and sometimes–too rarely–returning at a later time. Sometimes people have complacently told me, “Oh, they’ll be back when they have children of their own, but it doesn’t always work that way. In this video…
. . . at Crossroads.