Biblical Studies Carnival Posted
… at Sansblogue, and an excellent and fun carnival it is. It even includes a link to this very blog, which is unusual for the Biblical Studies Carnival.
… at Sansblogue, and an excellent and fun carnival it is. It even includes a link to this very blog, which is unusual for the Biblical Studies Carnival.
… at Cheese Wearing Theology.
Matt Capps has collected links to Dave Black’s online writings on Philippians. As one of Dave’s publishers, I’m glad to see the list.
Allan Bevere has again done the hard work and posted this weeks MBWR.
We’ll be continuing our discussion of Isaiah 36-39 tonight in my Tuesday night group, hopefully finishing that section. Last week, we looked at Hezekiah’s prayer for healing. For those who may not remember, it’s a short one: “Remember now, O LORD, I implore you, how I have walked before you in faithfulness with a whole…
I dislike study Bibles. I almost said I hate them, but since I do tolerate some of them, that would be overstating the case. My problem with them is that they tend to blur the distinction between the text that we’re studying and the commentary made about it. I have managed to keep my annoyance…
. . . has been posted at The Minor Prophet. A couple of posts are of particular interest in Biblical studies. First, from dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos we have Words of Amos, which is a response to comments on an earlier post on the possible Samaritan background of Stephen’s speech in Acts 7….
Often one needs to send a request to the carnival organiser nominating a post, but in this case I had managed to get a month when I had time to collect a number of posts for myself 🙂
I wasn’t complaining. I haven’t submitted anything for some time, largely because I didn’t see anything I’d written that I thought would be of great interest to the biblioblogging community. I am not normally writing for a scholarly audience.
Thanks for all your hard work!