The Hermeneutics of Love
Another great post on this by Rachel M. Stone. I’m glad I found her blog.
Another great post on this by Rachel M. Stone. I’m glad I found her blog.
Dave Black commented on my outline, linked in my previous post, thus: 1:28 PM Henry Neufeld, who has published a work on the epistle to the Hebrews, enters the discussion about the book’s outline/discourse structure. You can check out his soon-to-be-revised outline here. I love it! The only comment I might make concerns the title…
Via Dave Black I found Brian Small’s link to Nathan Brown’s outline of Hebrews. Here’s what Dave had to say: 6:48 PMBrian Small has just linked to An Exegetical Outline of Hebrews. The author naturally shies away from Pauline authorship even though new arguments are being made for that position today (or at least for…
I’ve created a new poll. I’d like to get an idea of how much time people spend in Bible study, average, per day. This is not really aimed at Bible professionals (teachers, preachers, and such) and many of my readers come from those classes, so that will probably skew the answers again. This came up…
This article is quite helpful in understanding what biblical criticism is, how it is helpful, and also how it may be threatening to some. Here’s a quote: The basic point, however, is an important one: until we know what kind of material we are dealing with, we don’t know what questions it is sensible to…
I have now added an essay on interpreting wisdom literature to my set of very basic interpretation essays. This essay was already supposed to be there, and had links to it, but it hadn’t been posted. One by one I’m filling the holes in the participatory study method files. I have quite a bit of…
We now pause for a brief commercial announcement. My company, Energion Publications, is offering a special Christmas package—all the Participatory Study Series volumes released so far for just $29.99. There are a number of other packages as well, so check out the complete list on Energion Direct. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming….