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Why a Missionary?
Because God says so…
This is from Michelle’s blog, And She Went Out …. It’s a good quote. Michelle is the host for this week’s Christian Carnival.
Why a Missionary?
Because God says so…
This is from Michelle’s blog, And She Went Out …. It’s a good quote. Michelle is the host for this week’s Christian Carnival.
Three days ago I wrote a post on our priorities and the purpose of the church. Today over at (belonging to my company, Energion Publications) we publish a post by D. Kevin Brown titled Missions – What about It?. He’s asking some of the same questions along with a few more.
Have you ever heard a conversation like this? “You can’t legislate morality,” says one person. “Oh yes you can! We do it all the time. Murder is immoral and we legislate against it.” Interesting, no? For me, this gets combined with separation of church and state. I’m an advocate of separation. People will frequently ask…
Articles VIII-XIII of the Together for the Gospel statement all deal with salvation, in this case with a strong focus on justification. (Note that the link above is to the final revision of the statement rather than the earlier form I have referenced in previous comments.) Those who have read my previous entries on this…
One thing I have observed over the years is that relatively few debates in church congregations center around serious theological issues. A few are about administrative and financial issues, but there is nothing like the order of worship to produce an angry debate. Some congregations spend years fighting over things like whether one should raise…
OK, I’m very late on this one and you can find much more information at The Church of Jesus Christ where Polycarp has been following it. Here’s the video: I should, but can’t, resist posting my own YouTube video beside this one: Why I Hate the KJV: I guess you can tell what I think.
I continue blogging through What Have They Done with Jesus by Ben Witherington with chapter 2. In the first chapter we were introduced to two women, Joanna, whom Witherington connects with Junia (Acts 16:7) and Mary Magdalene. This second chapter focuses on Mary Magdalene and what we can know about her, not to mention things…