Christian Carnival CCCXVII Posted
… at my Jevlir Caravansary blog. I’m obviously delighted with myself, thus the link!
… at my Jevlir Caravansary blog. I’m obviously delighted with myself, thus the link!
I’ve often said that I think people who become angry when their beliefs questioned are actually less confident of those beliefs, rather than more so. But that’s a pretty broad and inadequate statement, I think. I was discussing this with my wife recently, and we were wondering why neither of us get annoyed with people…
My company, Energion Publications, is sponsoring a blogging contest, which provides you with the opportunity to win Barnes & Noble gift cards and books from Energion Publications for doing what you do anyhow – blogging! Entries are open until November 2, 2009, the day that Dave Black’s new book Christian Archy is released.
Andrew Lamb has commented on a post I wrote back in July. I have responded to most of the comment there, but he references an article of his own, Immeasurable Age, and it employs an approach that, while I do not think it has merit, is so common in both public discourse and apologetics, that…
… at Other Food. Thanks to Violet for hosting the carnival!
Allan Bevere asks an interesting question today on his blog: Just how important is the doctrine of the virgin birth to you? He titles the post Must One Believe in the Virgin Birth to Be a Christian? I tend to annoy people on both sides of the spectrum (belief in miracles spectrum, of course) because…
. . . at Ancient Hebrew Poetry. I don’t have a post in there this time, but that’s not a complaint–I can’t think of what I’d nominate in this case. I will certainly get some blogging fodder from reading the posts. There are certainly a substantial number of excellent biblioblogs available. Speaking of which, John…