
He Died for Us – St. John Chrysostom

From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian church via Hebrews: Ancient Christian commentary on Scripture, New Testament X, commenting on Hebrews 9:15-17.

How did he become mediator? He brought words from God and brought them to us, conveying what came from the Father and adding his own death.  We had offended; we ought to have died.  He died for us and made us worthy of the covenant.  By this is the covenant secure, in that henceforward it is not made for the unworthy. — ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS 16.2

What I particularly like about this quote is the combination of “bringing the words” with the added death on the cross.  The mission of Jesus Christ was atonement, but that involved more than his death on the cross–not less than or other than, but more than.

In addition, he clearly states the weakness of the old covenant.  It was human beings who were unable to keep the covenant.  In a sense, we keep the new covenant in Jesus.

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