Christian Carnival CCLXXXIII Posted
… at The Limitless. Check it out!
… at The Limitless. Check it out!
Tonight I’ll be basing my presentation on Chapter 3 of Eschatology: A Participatory Study Guide by Dr. Edward W. H. Vick. The event description can be found on Google+. I’m embedded a YouTube viewer below. This will be on my YouTube channel and Google+ at 7 pm central time tonight. I’m actually going to start…
The first ever Christian Reconciation Blog Carnival is up and running at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength. Check it out!
I get into more trouble with the word “rebuke” than with just about any other. Perhaps I could find a bit less loaded of an English word to translate this concept, but it’s an important one. I mentioned teaching about “the skills of rebuking and being rebuked.” This tends to disturb people. Why? I think…
… at The Evangelical Ecologist.
I continue blogging through What Have They Done with Jesus by Ben Witherington with chapter 2. In the first chapter we were introduced to two women, Joanna, whom Witherington connects with Junia (Acts 16:7) and Mary Magdalene. This second chapter focuses on Mary Magdalene and what we can know about her, not to mention things…
My wife Jody is looking for a pastor in the west or northwest to answer about 5 questions regarding ministry in the UMC, with the interview to be published in the Bible Study Paths WebZine. She’s looking for someone who is currently pastoring a church. Your interview responses will be published in September alongside those…