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Characteristics of a Living Church
43Now awe came upon every person, because many miracles and signs were accomplished through the ministry of the apostles. 44All the believers were in unity and had there possessions in common. 45They sold their possessions and assets and divided among all those who needed them. 46Every day they went faithfully to the temple, they broke…
Link: Did Jesus Perform Miracles?
I’d like to call attention to a discussion on the blog Across the Atlantic regarding whether Jesus actually performed miracles. This blog features point/counterpoint between Antonio Piñero and Thomas Hudgins. We have thus far Part 1a, Part 1b, and Part 2a. I’ll leave it to you to follow if you wish.
Explaining Tragedy (Or Not)
There have been a large number of blog posts following John Piper’s pair of tweets regarding the tornadoes in Oklahoma. Examples include Rachel Held Evans, Chaplain Mike, and Energion author Joel Watts (From Fear to Faith: Stories of Hitting Spiritual Walls). (Energion is my company, so that’s my commercial plug for the day/week/etc.) I want…
On Prettying-Up the Bible (In Reply to @drbobcwcc and @RevKindle)
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Staying Alive in Seminary
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Substitutionary Atonement: One of Many Perspectives
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I really hate singing some of these songs in church, because I know I’m not being sincere. Sometimes I just stand there and keep quiet because I don’t like being dishonest. I’m referring mainly to the ones written in the first person, where the singer claims that he is worshipping God with his whole heart, or anything along those lines. The people who write these insincere or overly emotional songs should be shot.