Reviews Posted on Two Books from Tyndale
These reviews are on the New Life Application Bible Studies volume on Acts, and the 24/7 Chronological Study Bible. Both of these are excellent resources for particular needs in Bible Study.
These reviews are on the New Life Application Bible Studies volume on Acts, and the 24/7 Chronological Study Bible. Both of these are excellent resources for particular needs in Bible Study.
Yesterday I wrote about the importance of teaching and preaching on the doctrine of creation and also the “how” of creation in our churches. It’s important for us to understand what we believe about this. My personal view is that theology and Bible study tells us about God’s relationship to us and the natural sciences…
In my entry Finding an Authoritative Translation I talked about ways in which a person who is not familiar with the source languages can nonetheless check for translation problems and at least be forewarned as to where translation may become an issue in Bible study. I indicated I was going to go back to talking…
We now pause for a brief commercial announcement. My company, Energion Publications, is offering a special Christmas package—all the Participatory Study Series volumes released so far for just $29.99. There are a number of other packages as well, so check out the complete list on Energion Direct. And now back to your regularly scheduled programming….
A couple of days ago I linked to a post by J. K. Gayle which is in response to John Hobbins on the question of listing things one needs to read in order to understand the Bible. I mentioned that I might sound more like J. K. Gayle than John Hobbins when I got around…
I just compared two commentaries on Leviticus on my Participatory Bible Study blog. In addition, I’d like to link to my older review of Jacob Milgrom’s three volume commentary on the same book. From that review: The only possible adjective for this commentary is “incredible.” It is not just long (2,468 pages of text), but…
In Judges 4:1-7, when the Israelites cried out, what did they have to say? With Psalm 123 included along with Judges 4:1-7 in Proper 28 / Ordinary 33 / Pentecost +27, I think we have an interesting possibility for preaching on prayer in trouble. My basic starting point would be to suggest to the congregation…