Christian Carnival CCXXXIV Posted
. . . at A True Believer’s Blog, a first time host. Go over and check it out!
. . . at A True Believer’s Blog, a first time host. Go over and check it out!
… at Zwinglius Redivivus, complete with lofty claims. Go forth and check those claims thoroughly!
Find out here.
Shane Raynor just posted on this again, reposting his response to Brian McLaren’s article from 2006. I went back and checked out the article I wrote back in 2006 on this and found out that it got mangled in one or another of the moves this blog has undergone. I agree with Shane on this….
One of the dividing lines in Christian churches today is over the gifts of the Holy Spirit. While speaking in tongues gets most of the attention, the gift of prophecy is a close second. In terms of its potential to tear a church apart, it comes out ahead of tongues, I think. Currently there seem…
The Christian Post reports on a new effort to study the historical Jesus, known as the Jesus Project. Since I don’t always trust the objectivity of the Christian Post (or anyone else including myself, for that matter), I looked for additional information. According to both that source (and others): . . . Dr. R. Joseph…
Weekend Fisher at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength as announced a new blog carnival, Christian Reconciliation Carnival: Call for Submissions, to be published monthly. This month’s topic: setting the record straight for strawman arguments made against your group. Submissions by midnight on 1/30/2007.