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Christian Carnival CCXXIII – Tabernacle Edition

Welcome to the Christian Carnival, tabernacle edition.

Why use the tabernacle? In my teaching I have found that the tabernacle and its services are almost infinitely useful, often illustrating things that one might not assume from the text. I identify as carefully as I can when I’m being strictly exegetical, and when I’m using the imagery to help get across other lessons. As an example, see my talk The Sin of Getting Stuck, in which I use the tabernacle as an illustration of progress in one’s Christian walk–clearly not exegetical, yet the tabernacle lends itself to this. (Note that this is a little over an hour long video, so unless you’re patient, skip it! Audio is also an option.)

I have attached posts to various sections. There is no greater and lesser holiness implied. For example, Outside the Camp is for posts about witness and our relationship to the world. The camp itself is for daily living. In front of the gate is where many debates and confrontations took place. In the courtyard was a place for learning as the Israelites carried out God’s great teaching program. I reserve At the Altar of Sacrifice for items related to atonement and salvation, and The Holy Place for worship related items. Hopefully I’ve placed your post well.

The pictures here are from http://koti.phnet.fi/petripaavola/Tabernacle, whose author gives kind permission to use them non-commercially on each page. I have only chosen a very small number, and I’ve had to reduce their resolution, so I recommend going and looking at the results of his hard work.

Tabernacle image

In the Camp

Rodney Olsen presents Keeping Pets in Perspective posted at RodneyOlsen.net. As Christians, what should our attitudes be towards pets?

William Meisheid presents Seeking Solidarity posted at Beyond The Rim…. A critique of Peggy Noonan’s article on the Wright-Obama controversy.

Richard H. Anderson presents Rewriting Tabitha posted at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

GP presents Fear is your Friend posted at Innstyle Montana- Your Home on the Range. Horses teach us Isaiah 41:10 (look it up!).

In the Courtyard

Tabernacle courtyard

Ade Sobanjo presents 5 Reasons why Sex before Marriage is dangerous !!! posted at Celebration of Love.

Jeremy Pierce presents Adam and Eve’s Race posted at Parableman. Is it meaningful to ask what race Adam and Eve were?

Trevor McKay presents Dating And Courting… What’s The Difference? posted at The Christian Dating Chronicles.

Pete presents Money and your prayer life: Do you pray about your finances? posted at Bible Money Matters. Is it important to pray about your finances?

Weekend Fisher presents Scoring the books of the canon: cumulative scores at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength After looking at a series of early lists of Christian writings, here Weekend Fisher shows the cumulative scores for how well attested each book is. The final answer on which books are best-attested historically will be no surprise to Christians — but may disturb conspiracy theorists who claim that the canon of Scripture was nothing more than an exercise in political power or an arbitrary set of books that could easily have been otherwise.

I present here my post Hosting Bible Translations Wiki right here at Participatory Bible Study Blog. This is an open invitation to sign up and get involved in creating a solid encyclopedia of Bible translations, editions, canon, and topics related to creating the Bible edition you use.

Outside the Camp

Crystal Nichols presents 7 ways to live in harmony with your coworkers posted at Christian in the Corporate World. We are commanded to love each other, that includes our coworkers, too! Here are some easy ways to show Christ’s love to you coworkers.

Angela Williams Duea presents Go With God, Immigrant posted at angelawd. Illegal immigration is a loaded topic, but we’re still challenged to love the individuals God places before us.

Jody Neufeld presents Are you challenged to THINK on Sunday mornings? which is actually an introduction to her three part series on witnessing which she wrote after she heard a particularly challenging sermon on the subject.

At the Altar of Sacrifice

Altar of sacrifice

Scott Clair presents Is the recog​nitio​n of sin impor​tant?​ posted at Anticipating the King. This article deals with whether or not the recognition of sin is important when evangelizing.

Ken Brown presents On Sin and Atonement posted at C.Orthodoxy.
A review of the film Atonement, focusing on its elucidation of the corporate nature of evil and the impossibility of atoning for one’s own sins.

John at Brain Cramps for God writes On Depravity and Obedience. It seems many times folks just do not understand what “total depravity” really means; nor do they understand why Christians actually strive to obey the “rules”.

David Porter presents Shall we continue to sin or can we change? posted at A Boomer in the Pew.

At the Gate

simplyeddie presents First Principles posted at Simple Life In Christ. He says: “Hope you like this article! It’s my first submission to Blog Carnival.” Welcome Eddie!

Diane R presents Angry Young Christians? posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet. Why are there so many angry young adult Christians nowadays?

Holy Place

Tabernacle image

Chad Dalton presents There is a place posted at Living Stone Bible Church Blog.

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