Important Senate Business: Condemning Ads
They took the time to condemn the [tag][/tag] Ad on General [tag]Petraeus[/tag] (LA Times story). Now I don’t like the ad, and I don’t particularly like, and I think private groups and politicians should go ahead and do all the condemning that the ad deserves. Though I’m an opponent of the war in Iraq,…
Jena 6 Media Stories
Just a couple of links. MSNBC has a pretty good story on the [tag]Jena 6[/tag] here, though that story also duplicates quite a bit of previous coverage. Laura at Pursuing Holiness, who first alerted me to this story continues to be quite balanced, reading huge amounts and being quite willing to call people on either…
Why is Jim Changing Seminaries?
Find out here.
Another Conservative View on Thompson
Reformed Chicks Blabbing reports that [tag]James Dobson[/tag] won’t support [tag]Fred Thompson[/tag], with the last straw apparently being his support for a constitutional amendment on gay marriage that falls well short of conservative hopes. I now see what I missed before. Thompson supports an amendment that prevents states from being forced to recognize gay marriages from…
Jena – Not Racist, but . . .
I found an interesting quote in this MSNBC story on the [tag]Jena 6[/tag] that explains why I have been very concerned about this event from when I first read about it. (I have been following this mostly via Pursuing Holiness, with her latest post here, and only occasionally reading other stories.) Here’s the quote: The…
Fred Thompson, Conservatism, and Federalism
Joe Carter is losing some of his first love for [tag]Fred Thompson[/tag]. He says: Now I’m not so certain. His views of the federal marriage amendment, the Schiavo case, and his general position on federalism are troubling. For me, conservatism trumps federalism, while the position Thompson endorses seem to reverse that order. On the fundamental…
Barbarians? What Barbarians?
Mark Olson responded to my post Why the Creation-Evolution Controvery is Important with a post of his own, Barbarians at the Gate. It appears that was his gentle way of telling me that I’m a bit over the top, at least about my comment on the assault on the integrity of science. Kudos to Mark…
On Design
I try to keep my eyes open for clear discussion of information and design written so that non-experts, such as me, can understand them. Jeffrey Shallit’s post On Design seems to suit. It’s part of a discussion with Michael Egnor, but I think it will stand alone quite well.
Biblical Prophecy in a Nutshell
Part of my current devotional reading is currently in Isaiah. Today this included Isaiah 46:10 — (10) I declare the end when it is just the beginning, From ancient times, things that have not yet been done. I say, “My plan will be established, and I will do everything I desire.” — Isaiah 46:10 (my…
Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup #129
. . . has been posted thanks to Allan Bevere.
Time Compression in Eschatological Texts
I want to touch on something that I encounter in conversation fairly frequently. Why is it that Christian texts applied to the coming of Jesus and to the end-times come often in the same contexts in Hebrew scripture. A good example of this is Isaiah 60-66, in which we have a mixture of texts related…
Rightly Dividing or Slicing and Dicing – Jeremiah 4:23
In debates on creation and evolution I have occasionally encountered the ruin and restoration theory. This view allows an old earth, but does so in a different way. Genesis 1:1 is viewed as an original creation, and then the word in 1:2 normally translated “was” is instead translated “became.” I discuss the details in the…
Empathizing with Alan Greenspan
From a Newsweek interview via MSNBC: Interviewer: Who would you like to win next year? Greenspan: Is one of the choices leaving the office open? Yeah, me too.
Rejecting ID, but is it a priori?
On a previous post Ray commented: A religion or naturalism arrived at as a result of following the evidence where it leads, is quite acceptable, and even to be expected in most cases for it is a conclusion arrive at after an objective analysis of the evidence. It is therefore a reasonable conclusion. Naturalism or…
Evangelicals and Evolution
One response I get to my teaching and writing on creation and evolution goes something like this: “You’re just a liberal who’s trying to do away with the Bible, so it’s natural that you go along with the secularist society around you on evolution as well.” But that isn’t the case. For example my company…
Why the Creation-Evolution Controversy is Important
I’m going to try for a brief statement, something that seems to be an unnatural act for me! I am sometimes asked why I spend so much of my time on the [tag]creation[/tag]/[tag]evolution[/tag] controversy. The reason is simply that there is a full scale assault going on against free inquiry, something that is essential to…
Like Us or Die
Here’s another case: Leader offers $100,000 for cartoonist’s death. The head of an al-Qaida-led group in Iraq offered $100,000 for the killing of Swedish cartoonist [tag]Lars Vilks[/tag] over his drawing depicting the Prophet Mohammad. I’ll say again what I have said before. Blasphemy should not be illegal. I believe in [tag]free speech[/tag] when it’s engaged…
The Secret Diary of D. A. Carson
I love humor and satire in particular, and I think every public figure, even if only a public figure in a minor way, should be prepared to be on the receiving end. Hmmm! It would be nice to be important enough myself to be a good target, but I suspect I’ll have to sell lots…
Censored Lectionary – Psalm 79
I wrote a post today for my wife’s devotional list that refers to the boundary line between the [tag]lectionary[/tag] reading, Psalm 79:1-9 and the rest of the Psalm.
Where Teaching the Controversy is Prohibited
I have suggested many times before that before one believes what IDC (intelligent design creationism) advocates say about their goals, one should look at the way they handle the matter where they are in control. I’m sure that I will be accused of unfairly lumping ID and creationism together, but if they don’t want that…
Christian Carnival #189
. . . Deitrich Bonhoeffer edition has been posted.
9-11 Links
I want to link to a few posts from other blogs, both from the Moderate Christian Blogroll and from other blogs to which I subscribe. Crossinator remembers his day on 9/11/01. Through a Glass Darkly gives us a relevant quote from the Gettysburg address. Tom Sims reminds us of both positive and negative things that…
Learning a Little Greek
One of the major problems with seminary study of Biblical languages is that it is often short term and shallow. The seminarian, required to take a certain number of hours or just get by a particular test focuses all his efforts to getting past the hurdle. Precious few such students ever gain a real facility…
Just When I Think I’ve Seen Everything …
… I find this: Marry Our Daughter. Hat tip: Hit the Back Button to Move Forward. Will someone please tell me that this is just a sick joke? I’m thinking that it would be considered illegal despite the claims on the web site. Update: I should have looked on snopes, as pointed out by commenter…