A Mighty Man

My wife used one of my radio broadcasts from Running Toward the Goal (no longer on the air) for her devotional for tomorrow morning. In it, I discuss Gideon as a “mighty man.” We tend to remember Gideon for his great deeds, but his story doesn’t start out so auspiciously. I wanted to call attention to this post because I recently wrote about the honor roll of faith in Hebrews 11.

Some people are concerned with my approach to Hebrews 11, believing I’m calling the writer of Hebrews a liar. Now I am certainly calling him a preacher, with just a little bit of the politician that is necessary in exhortation. When you are exhorting a group of people to do something, you have to give them the impression that they can do it.

The particular approach of Hebrews 11 is to tell the faith story of a number of known characters, people who were described in their original histories as people with normal human weaknesses, but who nonetheless were used by God in exceptional ways. Gideon is one such.

If God can use Gideon, he can use me!

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