Psalm 119:60 – Obedience without Delay
I hurried, and didn’t delay
in obeying your commands.
The Message has an interesting way of expressing this:
I was up at once, didn’t drag my feet,
Psalm 119:60 (The Message)
was quick to follow your orders.
Some might like me to talk about what seems like a rash statement. Who can claim to have always been quick to do everything God says? But I think the Bible is fairly balanced on this. It presents a nice combination of claims and practical stories of its characters so we can see them in all their humanity and also see their relationship to God and how all that works.
What I actually was meditating about was on this “hurry.” Do what God says quickly. The word used in this verse most commonly is used to refer to God’s individual commands rather than a body of law. I took another step and was thinking of an ongoing relationship with God. One of the things that gets me labeled as charismatic is that I believe anyone can hear from the Lord.
I’m not talking (necessarily) about hearing a voice. I’ve heard so many ways in which God has directed one person to another. I married Jody because God practically hit me over the head with a clue-stick and said, “Not only are you not to stay single, you’re going to marry this one.” God had to speak similarly to Jody because neither of us were looking in the other’s direction. I’m going to come back to this regarding the word “hurry” in a moment.
In an ongoing walk with God one may receive many directions. These may be simple things, or complex things. These things never replace either the study of the written word or the experience of being in community as part of the Body of Christ.
Let me give a couple of examples of really simple things. A couple of weeks ago I was coming back from church and passed a sign that said “Fresh Shrimp.” On the other side of the four lane highway was a pickup truck with a canopy off the back. I got the distinct thought that I was to turn around, go back, and buy a pound of that shrimp for Jody, who really likes them steamed. So I did. It was a pleasant contact. I suspect I’m going to be sent back for further contact with the young man who sold me the shrimp.
Oh, and Jody said the shrimp were excellent. After I steamed them!
On an occasion some years ago I was in an equally inconvenient situation with a man at the side of the road with a sign asking for money. I don’t make a habit of stopping, but what I heard was that I was to stop and give the man the $20 bill in my wallet. I didn’t have specific plans for that particular bill, but I would rarely hand $20 to somebody at the side of the road.
I asked to pray with him and he lit up. It turned out he was himself a missionary, traveling roads and reaching out to minister to those who were homeless. We had an enjoyable chat and then I went on.
Now neither of these events could be presented as evidence for miracles. I don’t feel inclined to argue with anyone who would suggest other causes. I don’t have to be right about this.
But what I have found is this: When I follow these promptings, which others might see as whims, good things happen. The result has always been positive. I don’t know what would happen if I ignored them. But I’m going with the results.
Now there’s something important to remember about hurrying. Being alert and willing is good. But there is also a matter of God’s timing.
To return to the way Jody and I got together, timing was an issue. We were both teachers in the church, both involved in the prayer team, working together. There were a number of people who had an interest in what we were doing. We got every kind of advice.
“You need to go slowly and be careful.”
“You should get off the dime and ask her to marry you!” (to me)
Now the thing is God’s timing isn’t necessarily slow or fast. We kept praying all the way through. I asked her after about a week of prayer, seeking what God wanted me to do. There were many arguments for delaying further. There were a few to get moving. I ignored them all. When I felt peace that now was the time I asked. When I did so I told her, “I’ve been praying about this for a week, so I’m not asking for an answer on the spot. I expect you need time to pray as well.” And she did. and the answer was “Yes.”
I regret not one moment of our courtship, nor any of the time spent in prayer. I am glad that I ignored all the pushing one direction or another and didn’t hurry in my very human way, or delay and dither, as is much more my own way. Rather, I waited for my best understanding of God’s timing.
Remember this: God’s way is not to select a point on our timeline, or to select a speed from our personal speed-o-meter, or to choose a theological position from our mental list of options. God’s way is to take us God’s divine distance at God’s divine speed. When you know God is leading you, that’s the time to move.
Will you be sensitive for something God wants to bring to your attention today?