Quote of the Day – on Genesis 15:6
… In the Tanakh, faith does not mean believing in spite of the evidence. It means trusting profoundly in a person, in this case the personal God who has reiterated His promise.
(from The Jewish Study Bible: featuring The Jewish Publication Society TANAKH Translation
, page 35.)
I think that’s an excellent statement of what faith is and is not, and might also tie the usage of faith between James 2:23 and Galatians 2:15ff as it relates to Paul’s use of Genesis 15:6 starting in Galatians 3:15.
A problem I see immediately is the verse that says: For he that comes to God, must first believe that he is…..
That’s the first step prior to trusting Him, IMO!
I’m not sure that your problem is actually a problem. We’re asking just what is stated in the Tanakh. Where does it suggest either that you trust God without knowing him or that you are to believe God without any evidence? It seems that what we’re talking about in Genesis 15 is a God who is well-known to Abram, yet the question is trust.