What the Greek REALLY Says!
This was so good I had to embed it!
This was so good I had to embed it!
I found this story appalling. In making decisions about a Christian school and whether the principal should be fired, women were not even allowed to speak. While I do believe that a denomination or local church should have the right to do what it believes is right with a school it finances, including expecting the…
Wesley Elsberry, on The Panda’s Thumb reports that the Clergy Project is nearning its goal of 10,000 signatures. As I write this, I see that it has attained that goal. I encourage all of my clergy friends to sign this document. It is not only protecting the teaching of science; it is protecting religious education…
I was reading an excellent post by Martin LaBar (Sun and Shield) today about our reading choices. He’s commenting on a study that shows that we tend to select reading that confirms our already existing views. Now I suspect there’s nothing terribly surprising about that. At least most of us assume that other people only…
According to this story on MSNBC.com, Archbishop Francisco Chimoio claims that two European nations are trying to kill off Africans by providing condoms that are already infected with the virus: I know of two countries in Europe who are making condoms with (the) virus on purpose, they want to finish with African people as part…
T. C. Robinson has a post on the gifts of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:13. He makes several points that I think are important, but I did not draw from that particular passage, though I did draw from Galatians 5:22-26 with the fruit of the Spirit. T.C. points to the importance of 1 Corinthians…
A discussion has been raging over on the Religion Forum, and Tom Sims has taken it up on his blog regarding Bishop Spong and a quote (Rochester, MN Post-Bulletin) in which he says: “Religion in America today embarrasses me,” said Spong, 75, who will speak in Rochester next week. “If that’s what Christianity is all…