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Studying Through John

Meditations on According to JohnWith the new year I’m starting a new online study, working through the Gospel of John using Herold Weiss’s book Meditations on According to John.

A previous effort by my wife and I to conduct a group discussion failed both due to our schedules and due to low participation. In this case, I will be essentially video blogging live.

I will personally be studying the book through in Greek, and also studying Leon Morris’s commentary in the NICNT series. That provides a conservative counterpoint to Dr. Weiss. I’ll discuss where I stand in connection with all this in the introductory study.

I will always have the Q&A app enabled so that people can interact via text. In addition, I’ll be watching my Twitter feed for any comments or questions. If anyone wants to participate via video, let me know through the comments below or via e-mail (henry@energion.com). The only requirements I will have for participation are that you get a copy of the book (ebook is fine), read the material including the Bible passages, and if there is a sharp disagreement, be comfortable stating your position and then letting it go. I’ll state mine and let it go as well. I’m not expecting video participation but will be pleased if there is some. While I can’t imagine it will be a problem, there is a limit of 10 people (9 + me) on the video.

So get out your Bibles and your favorite reference sources and plan to join the discussion! I’m posting the YouTube below. At 7:00 pm Thursday night, January 6, it will be live. Once the event is complete, it will show the recording.

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