Inspiration from the Bible with One Click

I have an e-mail (spam, really) in my inbox that tells me I can get inspiration from the Bible with one click. The e-mail even has a large blue button with the words “Click Here” on it, just in case I need more guidance.

This is one of my pet peeves. There is no shortcut to knowing the Bible. It takes work. Earlier today I led the discussion in my Sunday School class discussing Jesus as our High Priest from Hebrews. We never got past the introductory material, and everybody is ready and anxious to dig deeper into the topic next Sunday. They realize that there are many things to understand about this topic and then ways it should be applied in our lives. You can’t just grab a text out of the middle of Hebrews and expect to fully understand the topic.

Yes, I believe salvation is simple. But once we begin the walk with Jesus, I think we will want to know more and more. That’s going to mean both study and action.

And it will take a lot more than one click!


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