Biblical Studies Carnival Posted
… at Sansblogue, and an excellent and fun carnival it is. It even includes a link to this very blog, which is unusual for the Biblical Studies Carnival.
… at Sansblogue, and an excellent and fun carnival it is. It even includes a link to this very blog, which is unusual for the Biblical Studies Carnival.
I like to highlight three or four posts from the Christian Carnival when I have the time. I usually do so in the post linking to it (if I remember to do so at all), but I forgot today, so here comes another “link” post. My first highlight is host Diane R’s Yes, We Can,…
Thomas Nelson has release The American Patriot’s Bible: The Word of God and the Shaping of America*, which is a Bible so lousy in concept that one can dislike it without even bothering to read it. (HT: Christ my righteousness.) You’ve probably heard the cliche, “It’s a really bad book, that’s why I never read…
. . . at A True Believer’s Blog, a first time host. Go over and check it out!
Regarding Numbers 33 and the 42 stations on the route to the promised land, footnote #1 on page 420, (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on Numbers), notes that “[p]atristic commentators compared these 42 stations to the 42 (3 x 14) generations in Jesus’ genealogy, but that doesn’t shed any light on ch 33 …” It is quite…
. . . at Bounded Irrationality. Check it out.
From Meditations on the Letters of Paul, by Herold Weiss: Jesus’ faith in God is what gives life to sinners. This point is made in another famous Pauline confession: “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh…
Often one needs to send a request to the carnival organiser nominating a post, but in this case I had managed to get a month when I had time to collect a number of posts for myself 🙂
I wasn’t complaining. I haven’t submitted anything for some time, largely because I didn’t see anything I’d written that I thought would be of great interest to the biblioblogging community. I am not normally writing for a scholarly audience.
Thanks for all your hard work!