February Biblioblog Carnival Posted
… at Cheese Wearing Theology.
… at Cheese Wearing Theology.
The question came to me after I had been talking about intercessory prayer and hearing God’s voice, but it came as a surprise. “What should I do about sharing knowledge I get from God about other people? Can I tell other people so that we can pray more specifically?” I had not been talking about…
One of the blessings in my life is the number of friends I have found (and I don’t always make friends easily) who are willing to have great discussions. By “great” I mean ones in which we challenge one another’s ideas with vigor but without anger or condemnation. If you seek only friends and associates who agree with you, you’re missing out on a great blessing.
Rod Decker presents a quote in which a famous person suggests you do. Well, sort of. Really he seems to be suggesting that it’s much, much better if you understand the biblical languages. I’ll let you go read the original post to get the quote and find out who wrote it. I’ve written on this…
Read the story of Belshazzar’s feast in Daniel 5. The stories of the book of Daniel all have something to do with worship. Often we read them as unconnected stories about Daniel and his friends, but they have a common theme. Daniel 1 shows us the faithfulness of Daniel and his friends to their God,…
It has been concocted and posted at Dr. Jim’s Thinking Shop. It is monumental. And a hodge-podge. Like I said.
… at ξἐνος. Lots of interesting stuff to peruse.