The Biblioblogs Strike Back
James McGrath has posted episode two of the Biblical Studies Carnival, The Biblioblogs Strike Back. Fun!
James McGrath has posted episode two of the Biblical Studies Carnival, The Biblioblogs Strike Back. Fun!
I’ve been a bit delinquent in that I occasionally host the Christian Carnival, but I haven’t regularly announced it. The carnival is posted each Wednesday, and submissions are due by midnight Tuesday, though they are welcomed earlier. The next carnival will be hosted by Crossroads, and the best way to submit your entry is by…
Summarizing attributes of the assembly of dragons and beasts in Revelation 12 & 13.
I was struck by Dave Black’s note on Hebrews 4:14-16 from Wednesday on his blog. I extracted it to, as Dave’s blog is a journal that doesn’t offer links to individual posts. (I have his permission.) I highly recommend his post. It struck me because Hebrews is such a central part of my reading…
This is a follow-up to my last Wednesday night’s (November, 2018) discussion from Romans 9 at Chumuckla Community Church. The passage cited is not my suggestion of a good division of the material in Romans 9, but rather is just where we started and ended up. I did have to look back to verse 13…
The man was a good Christian. Any of us would be quite pleased to have his reputation for faith and Christian charity. He was part of a study group I led, and we were discussing witnessing. “I’m afraid to put a fish symbol on my car,” he said. “I might do something that’s not Christlike,…
I found an outline and notes for 1 Corinthinas 12-14 that I wrote back in 2001. Now I have also been working with Gordon Fee’s commentary on 1 Corinthians, and he uses an outline based on the questions that Paul received in the letter to him from the Corinthians. I think his is a valid…