The Biblioblogs Strike Back
James McGrath has posted episode two of the Biblical Studies Carnival, The Biblioblogs Strike Back. Fun!
James McGrath has posted episode two of the Biblical Studies Carnival, The Biblioblogs Strike Back. Fun!
… at The Point Blog.
One of my devotional practices is to keep track of the weekly lectionary texts (not the daily and often not special days during the week), and read them through daily using different versions and different reference sources. I keep notes online when I have time. I haven’t publicized this very much because I have been…
This is the unintended second part of last week’s discussion, since I didn’t even come close to completing the material. We’ll be launching from Galatians 5:6-9, but I had already discussed the content of those verses. Now we’ll be looking through Paul’s letters, including those attributed to him, but disputed by scholars, looking for the…
… and a mighty interesting interview it is, including discussion of how authors, readers, and texts were understood in the ancient world.
So I will walk in libertyfor I seek your precepts. I must credit Mitchell Dahood in his 3 volume commentary on Psalms in the Anchor Bible (vol 1, vol 2, vol 3) for the word “liberty.” I was struggling for a translation that I felt lived up to the context. I think that one does….
I’m a little late posting the event for this, but my study of John will continue. I expect to post a couple more notes on the last hangout in this series as well as a follow-up to my conversation with Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. on the Energion Publications weekly hangout. For more information, see the link…