Link: Five Reasons to Study Barth
I’m linking to this in honor of my friend and pastor, Geoffrey Lentz, who can’t complete a sermon without a Barth quote. (HT: Dave Black Online).
I’m linking to this in honor of my friend and pastor, Geoffrey Lentz, who can’t complete a sermon without a Barth quote. (HT: Dave Black Online).
. . . at Parableman. Check it out!
Steve Martin lists ten books that have been written since 2003 (and pretty much none before that) on evolutionary creationism, starting with my favorite, Richard Colling’s Random Designer. The good news is that there are so many new books looking at evangelical Christianity and evolutionary theory from a positive perspective. The bad news is that…
I want to recommend another sermon from the senior pastor at our new church, Pensacola First UMC, Dr. Wesley Wachob. I should note that they usually post audio from a different service than the one I attend, and he doesn’t follow a precise written text, so there may be some difference. There were two reasons…
Christopher Ritter is complaining, though only in the nicest, most creative way, about critics of the new Wesleyan Covenant Association. It’s interesting how efforts to reform often end up creating new denominations, even when the leaders don’t intend to do so. Just look at the example provided by Ritter in his post. I commend Ritter…
This question has come up a number of times in my Romans study group, and it’s a good one. I’m not one to call all questions good. In fact, I think if you ask the wrong question, you often end up with an answer that leads you astray. In this case, however, we’ve gone from…
Chuck Baldwin maintains that the birth of our Savior and the birth of our nation are closely linked. I’m afraid I don’t get it, even allowing all his facts, some of which I would dispute. I just don’t see the parallel between the guns of the revolution and the Babe of Bethlehem emptying himself of…