View on Justification
Andy Johnson of Nazarene Seminary has a nice overview. (HT: Cross Talk and Chrisendom)
Andy Johnson of Nazarene Seminary has a nice overview. (HT: Cross Talk and Chrisendom)
You may think that a strange title for a post on Bible study blog. Obviously if you read this blog you must in some sense be interested in studying the Bible. But I want to direct this question specifically to Christian education leaders in churches. This is the time of year when curriculum is chosen. …
This is by Chris Eyre, chief editor since this past summer of Energion Publications. It’s in our Topical Line Drives series. Buy (Featured Image by Philip Barrington from Pixabay)
I’m sad to report that after years of living with cancer, Christopher Hitchens has died at age 62. I have not personal encounters or recollections to report, but I must admit that, while disagreeing with him on many things, including his stand on the war in Iraq, I appreciated his gift for writing, the one…
I’m working on editing Creation: the Christian Doctrine by Edward W. H. Vick. It’s quite an enjoyable task. I regularly learn new things while reading Dr. Vick’s work. In this case he’s talking about knowledge of God. He has already contrasted this with knowledge of the natural universe. We, as finite creatures, cannot by normal…
Quote of the day: The sin of the church too often is to listen to the voice of those already in it. We let the comfortable voice of the familiar become the voice of God. Breaking free of that sin is necessary. But replacing one human voice with another is not the same as following…
I wrote recently that I prefer “prayer changes you” to “prayer changes things” but I don’t deny that prayer changes things. But how? Bruce Epperly contributes a post to Ponderings on a Faith Journey that looks at this along with the idea of human freedom. I know that any form of open theism tends to…