Christianity by Force or Manipulation
There is very little that offends me more than the idea of manipulating people into Christian events or trying to convert them by force.
There is very little that offends me more than the idea of manipulating people into Christian events or trying to convert them by force.
On both sides of the political spectrum, and even in the middle, we tend to elevate particular policies over the procedures. I think it is very dangerous to do so. This type of thing has occurred in abortion (use of RICO, free speech issues), various federalism issues, and quite commonly in church-state issues. Ed (Dispatches)…
My wife and I often approach things differently. I know that’s a really shocking admission, likely to stun our family, friends, and neighbors. 🙂 We even like different styles of worship services. She tends to embrace new things quickly. I’m rather conservative. I can be persuaded, but you need to prepare a good case first!…
… at my Jevlir Caravansary blog. I’m obviously delighted with myself, thus the link!
I’ve posted a question that originates with Thomas Hudgins over on the Energion Discussion blog. Here are my comments to go with that post. The question has quite a number of implications. For example, if your listeners do not normally look at the textual notes in their Bible translation, they might not be aware of…
Their title may not tell you precisely what they’re up to, but I’ll let you figure that out by visiting. I was asked to answer a few questions for a video, with a key text of Romans 4:3. Here’s the video. It’s nice when someone truly skilled puts the final result together! There’s lots…
I’m a strong advocate of the public reading of Scripture, so I’ve been following with interest the discussion that Tim Challies set off when he wrote about this ministry at his home church. In his initial post he discussed how those who are to read scripture are trained and makes some suggestions for making one’s…